November 25, 2024/by John Chan Chan ChunRector’s Speech in the Ceremony for the Conferment of Higher Degrees 2024 (23/11/2024)
December 4, 2023/by John Chan Chan ChunRector’s Speech in the Ceremony for the Conferment of Honorary and Higher Degrees 2023 ( 02/12/2023)
November 28, 2022/by jeffreychoi Choi Io TengRector’s Speech in the Ceremony for the Conferment of Higher Degrees 2022 ( 26/11/2022)
December 13, 2021/by John Chan Chan ChunRector’s Speech in the Ceremony for the Conferment of Honorary and Higher Degrees 2021 ( 11/12/2021)
November 11, 2019/by jeffreychoi Choi Io TengRector’s Speech in the Ceremony for the Conferment of Honorary and Higher Degrees 2019 ( 09/11/2019)
December 6, 2018/by jeffreychoi Choi Io TengRector’s Speech in the Ceremony for the Conferment of Honorary and Higher Degrees 2018 ( 01/12/2018)